Science Experiment Packet with Guided Timeline



Guided Timeline:

This is a guided timeline for your project.  You can adjust it based on your needs.

The Worksheets (WS) are designed to help the student organize what should be written in the log book.  DO NOT turn these in with your project.  You can throw them away when the project is complete.

  • Day 1:Select your topic.Complete WS #1 and complete data log entry. Prepare your data log.

  • Day 2: Begin working on WS #2 to begin researching your topic. Complete data log entry. *Modified versions of this worksheet are available based on the topic you chose.Contact your D/HOH Teacher informing her of your topic.*

  • Day 3: Continue working on WS #2. Complete data log entry.

  • Day 4: Complete your research on WS #2.Complete data log entry.

  • Day 5: Complete WS #3 to help create a History summary portion of your research. Complete data log entry.

  • Day 6: Complete WS #4 to help create a Fact summary. Complete data log entry.

  • Day 7: Complete WS #5 to help create a Method summary. Complete data log entry.

  • Day 8: Complete WS #6 to help create an Importance summary.Complete data log entry.

  • Day 9:Complete WS #7 to help create a bibliography of the resources you used.Complete data log entry.

  • Day 10:Combine the paragraphs you wrote for History, Fact, Method, and Importance into one essay.Type and print it and place your folder on the “Project Board” labeled side. Complete a data log entry. See the sample page included.

  • Day 11: Complete WS #8 to determine “Problem” and Hypothesis.Type the Problem and Hypothesis on two separate pages and place in your folder on the “Project Board” labeled side. Complete a data log entry.

  • Day 12:Complete WS #9 to determine your “Variables”. Type “Variables” on one page and place in your folder on the “Project Board” labeled side. Complete a data log entry.

  • Day 13: Complete the Science Experiment and use WS #11/12 to complete your “Procedure” and “Results”.Type them on individual pages and place them in your folder on the “Project Board” side. Complete a data log entry.

  • Day 14: Create a table and graph of the results of your experiment. Create a data log entry.Create a table and graph for your project board.Print it and place it in the “Project Board” side of your folder.

  • Day 15: Type you’re “Results” page and place in the “Project board” side of your folder. Complete a data log entry.

  • Day 16: Complete WS #13 to create a “Conclusion” of your findings.Type your “Conclusion” page and place it in the “Project Board” side of your folder. Complete a data log entry.

  • Day 17: Complete WS #14 to create a summary of “Scientific Worth”. Complete a data log entry.

  • Day 18: Start preparing your project board by following the model on WS #15. Complete a data log entry.

  • Day 19: Work on creating the final product of your display board. Complete a data log entry.

  • Day 20: Finish completing your display board. Complete a data log entry.Make sure the front page of your log book has a Table of Contents for each section and that every page is numbered.